Photo Journal 4/19/2010

Alot of photos to share today! Enjoy =)

New blooms from the Pansies I started from seed...

Alyssum 'Snow Crystals' and Petunia 'Celebrity Red Morn' started from seed..

New landscape statue purchased last weekend at Lowe's. Cute!

At Lowe's Build & Grow, Cody made this See It Grow planter for Earth Day. Planted a couple nasturtium seeds to watch them grow from top to bottom.

Newly planted Hibiscus (purchased at Lowe's) bloomed today.


Newly planted Squash Contender zucchini...

Tropical Hibiscus and Plumeria started from seed last year...

Datura metel 'Purple Trumpet'

Over-wintered potted Hibiscus recovering and growing new leaves

Growing from scratch

Quick update on some flowers/veggies I'm growing from seed.
Dates are when I sowed seeds for germinating. Used my Burpee Ultimate Seed Starting system for the Marigold, Vinca, Zinnia, Coleus, and Aster Hulk. Everything has germinated so far except for the sunflowers, but they were planted only 3 days ago.

3/08/10 Ornamental Pepper 'Sangria Hybrid'
4/02/10 Squash Contender Hybrid (zucchini) in a large container
4/05/10 Marigold 'Snowball Hybrid'
4/05/10 Vinca 'Pacifica Burgundy Halo'
4/05/10 Zinnia 'Zahara Starlight Rose'
4/05/10 Coleus Wizard Mix
4/05/10 Aster Hulk
4/15/10 Sunflower Large Flowered Mix from ParkSeed Co.